Photographer Yuri Molodkovets
I’m a Photographer and I’m an Artist. I work at the Hermitage. For me,
the museum is the most important place on Earth and my core Teacher. I
live in Saint-Petersburg and it is also my space and Teacher. My
Teachers has educated my eyes and learned how to see Beauty and
Harmony. This is my essential mission: to see Beauty and Harmony and
to show it to you.

My pieces are located in 18 museums of Russia and in numerous private
collections around the world. For me, it is very important to keep my art
close to the person, who loves Beauty and Harmony in his house.
For it, we have made this space, where will be presenting Real Art in a
variety of manifestations.
Stay with us.

Yuri Molodkovets
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Yuri Molodkovets
photographer with a worldwide reputation
An artist-photographer of State Hermitage Museum, an author of more than 200 catalogues & albums, dedicated to assemblages & collections of Hermitage Museum and Saint-Petersburg history & architecture books. Curator of “Museum art-photography” project. Manager of official Hermitage social networks.

  • 18

    museum collections and dozens of private collections
  • 40

    personal projects and many times more participation in collective exhibitions
  • 200

    books and albums, and hundreds of magazine publications
  • 10 mln

    views on social networks with words of admiration and gratitude for the Light


The main thing that I do as a Photographer:
looking for Beauty and Harmony with Light and Camera
The Sun in the Museum
the new hermitage


These are the stories that Life creates, I give them the final form and a New meaning
Che-project 1

Che-project 2


An important part of my life.
I have something to say.

A trip to Udelnaya

Hermitage stories

Kvartirnik – House Party / Gathering

RTG. People of Russia (2013)

Yuri Molodkovets. Hermitage photographer